Como restaurar Key en CloudLinux

A veces no aparece el cloudLinux en la consola principal.... porque se pierde la llave,  usar --force si dice que la llave "key" ya esta instalada..

To register with CloudLinux Network you will need to install rhn-setup package, and execut rhnreg_ks
You also need your activation key, that you should have received when your ordered CloudLinux. 
To connect your server to CLN, do: rhnreg_ks --activationkey=<activationkey>
You can find information on how to get trial activation key here.

The example bellow will register a system to CLN using the activation key 1-2b48feedf5b5a0e0609ae028d9275c93
# yum install rhn-setup
# rhnreg_ks --activationkey=1-2b48feedf5b5a0e0609ae028d9275c93 --force

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