No Aparece PHP Selector Buttom en features ó Cpanel

I did the mkdir -vp /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/dynamicui/

Then I created the file /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/dynamicui/dynamicui_lvephpsel.conf

with the following contents:

itemorder=>999,version=> 1.0,itemdesc=>$LANG{Select PHP Version},description=>Select PHP Version,group=>software,acontent=>Select PHP Version,url=>lveversion/extension-selector.html,feature=>lvephpsel,imgtype=>icon,subtype=>img,type=>image,width=>32,height=>32,file=>lvephpsel

then performed /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_sprites

Si Aún no funciona debera hacer esto:

1) Reinstalar LVE

yum install lvemanager

2) Reinstalar Cage Fs
The installation of PHP Selector presumes that you already have CageFS & LVE Manager installed.
Installation of different versions of PHP & modules:

yum groupinstall alt-php

Update CageFS & LVE Manager with support for PHP Alternatives

yum update cagefs lvemanager

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